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Rev. DR. Angela Gorrell


There is no spiritual cheerleading here, no cheap grace. Instead, there is the hard-won knowledge that, while we cannot make joy, we can open ourselves to the God who suffers with us, offering us ‘withness’ and ‘witness.’ The night is long, but if we keep on opening and offering ourselves through our tears, joy will come in the morning.
— —Parker J. Palmer (author of On the Brink of Everything, A Hidden Wholeness, and Let Your Life Speak)
I encourage all who hunger for justice, peace, acceptance and comfort to read this book. In its pages you will find beautiful prose and hope that even in the darkest of spaces, places and times - through addiction, suicide, sudden death, prison, abuse, and despair - love reigns, truth reigns, joy reigns.
— Liz Theoharis (co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign)
A searingly honest, devastatingly painful, profoundly wise—and beautiful—book. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. Angela Gorrell is a scholar with the courage of the most authentic memoirist. She generously and unflinchingly brings the theological discussion of the most sublime subject—joy—right into the middle of the mess of life and lets it unfold in surprising and wondrously disrupting ways.
— Tod Bolsinger (author of Canoeing the Mountains and Tempered Resilience)

Click below for the FREE Discussion, Story & Activity Guide for The Gravity of Joy!

Angela is assistant professor of practical theology at Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University. She previously served as an Associate Research Scholar at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture.

Add this book to your library— always on: practicing faith in a new media landscape


Speaking & TEACHING

Contact Angela to speak for an intergenerational audience or a specific audience: educators, leaders, parents, youth leaders, emerging adults, or youth on one of her core topics: 

social media | joy & the life worth living | innovative & participatory education | leadership


JOY-explore joy amid suffering, understand what joy is and its various kinds like retrospective joy, learn how to be “postured” for joy, and how to create spaces and communities of joy.

ALWAYS ON-explore elements of the new media landscape and learn about its implications for identity, relationships, religious practices, how we teach and learn and more


I provide consulting in several forms: life worth living and meaning-making, pedagogy of the good life, new media, methods of discernment, leadership and course development, organizational formation, assessment, practical resources, and training for individuals, teams, and organizations.  


I create surveys, lead focus groups, conduct case studies, manage metrics and evaluation, and collect and analyze social network data for organizations.



PhD Practical TheologY

MENNONITE CHURCH USA, 14 years of ministry experience


BA Youth Ministry
Azusa Pacific University


teaching for transformation, JESUS & THE MEANING OF LIFE, theology & culture, STORIES TO TELL
truett seminary, Baylor University | waco, tx

Life Worth Living
Yale University | New Haven, CT

Social media
Yale Divinity SchooL | New Haven, CT
McCormick Theological Seminary | Chicago, IL

Fuller Theological Seminary | Pasadena, CA
Sonlight Bible CollegE | Limuru, Kenya
meserete kristos college | AdDis Ababa, Ethiopia